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Sedevacantismo Portugal.

Daily Archives: Junho 8, 2023

On the Ukraine War: Wars Are Never a Clean-cut

This article describes why the Ukraine war isn’t a clean-cut case. We know that wars, in general, are as clear as mud. Had all manifestly virtuous people been on one side and the bad on the other, taking sides would be easy. But this is seldom the case. In reality, none of the leaders is fully good or bad. They all have their respective defects. The very same is true about the Vatican 2 crisis. Even good people have committed errors and bad people got certain things straight. Ukraine was a creation of Lenin. In the time of the Tsars, it was part of Russia, there was no Ukraine as such. Does this mean that it should be restored to Russia? No, because this generation has nothing to do with the sins of the past. Tossing the borders back and forth would not solve anything. But the two countries have the same ethnic, linguistic and cultural roots, so they shouldn’t even be fighting. There is more than one side of every story, and the main stream media is Uncle Sam’s mouthpiece. He’s the worst liar on the planet.

We can’t expect a good outcome from any system not based on Christ. Our Lord says that he who is not with Him is against Him. Since the Church is no longer a superpower, there is no viable solution. No system is stable, nothing lasts. Lately, the world has provided us only with false alternatives: communism vs. capitalism, socialism vs. nazism, etc. So it’s Christ or chaos, as Dr. Thomas Drolesky keeps saying. Why did we get this? Because the world deserves it. People wanted a godless world and God gave it to them. So it’s pure naivité to think we can solve the issue without eliminating the root cause, which is the lack of sanctity. You can hang your hat on Putin or Trump all you want, but without Our Lord, there’s no solution. I’m saying that it’s Christ or BS. The end. (Or the beginning, as you wish.) Because this looks like the great apostasy, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

First of all, see who the real aggressor is. For all appearances, Putin has attacked Ukraine. But is this true? Isn’t this just another disturbance created by none other than (you guessed it) the principal warmonger of the planet, Uncle Sam? Now why would that monster do that? Because Russia is a loose cannon on the new world order.

Please note that Putin does not equal Russia. Some Russians agree with him, others disagree, and many couldn’t care less. (It seems that most Russians in Russia either support Putin or want him to be more forceful than he is. Of course, one will never get 100% of any nation agreeing on anything.) A president or a system does not equal the nation or a country. Whether Putin is right or wrong has no bearing on whether Russia is right or wrong. (Even Hitler had a significant opposition Uncle Sam swept under the rug to enforce the concept of a guilty nation. The Czech Slovak state has done the same to some minorities.) Likewise, I don’t equate Uncle Sam with the whole American citizenry. There are good people even in the US, like Bp. Pivarunas. There were in the past, like Bp. Dolan. And patriotism as a duty comes from the fourth commandment, and everybody has to respect it. I am what I happened to be because of American sedevacantists. However, the system is evil. I mean the system that dominates and tries to impose itself on the rest of the planet. The majority of people is really brainwashed. I never saw such a uniformized bunch in my life, although the commies have tried their brainwash and failed. In the most inglorious socialist republic it worked. They religiously believe in their asinine laws.

After the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Soviet Union, Uncle Sam became the undisputed lord of the planet. He decides who may be the president of Iraq. Uncle determines which country receives international recognition. If he says that Kosovo can secede from Serbia, it can. But if he says that Transnistria and the Gagauz people cannot secede from Moldova, they can’t. If he doesn’t recognize Palestine, it isn’t recognized. If he says Karabakh doesn’t belong to Armenia, the rest of the world follows. He dictates who can have sharia or anti-sodomy laws, etc. And he has double standards. Saudi Arabia can have anti-sodomy legislation, but Uganda shouldn’t. When Germany attempted to ban Scientology, Uncle Sam protested. But if there is no religious freedom in Israel or Saudi Arabia, that’s fine by him. There’s not a single issue that escapes his attention. He weighs in on everything and claims his jurisdiction everywhere, applying his contradictory double standards. Uncle Sam giveth and Uncle Sam taketh away. He’s the new god of the planet. It’s dead wrong, yet nobody has protested except Putin.

Another against Putin is that he’s a dictator. As we don’t believe in democracy anyway, for us here this is not an issue. The objectors claim that he is destroying his enemies. That comes with the territory, I reply. On Uncle Sam’s turf one must be careful at every turn. On cannot offend femi-nazis, there are a bunch of priviledged minorities, etc. In a dictatorship, one only has to avoid a collision with the system/dictator. So even in this respect he is superior to Uncle Sam.

I’ve stated elsewhere that we are living in the post-Fatima times. Russia has already spread her errors, and now Uncle Sam continues the job. He is the one pushing the sodomite agenda and not Russia. The same is true about excessive minorities’ and women’s rights. Nowadays, Russia is on the defense against nefarious Western influences. But this merely means that the chickens are coming home to roost. The sodomite agenda and excessive women’s and minority’s rights are the results of Soviet infiltration, as Diana West has amply documented it. The most cherished American values are results of Soviet manipulation. Ha-ha-ha!!! But now it’s Uncle Sam who is spreading the Soviet errors.

Besides the Ukraine war, Uncle surrounded her Russia with NATO bases. Besides inviting Ukraine to join the NATO, he also invited Finland and Sweden. Finland has lost some land to Russia, namely Karelia, so there is some motivation to accept Uncle’s invite. And as I said before, it’s not only Russia that Uncle’s antagonizing, but the rest of the unsubmitted planet and there is nobody who can fly below the radar. The world must be united to receive the antichrist after-all.

What are the sins of Putin? He stood up to the sodomite agenda, silenced the femi-nazi Pussy riot, disciplined the Muslims, and silenced the Zionists. For example, an imam preached Jihad. The next thing he knew, he was in jail. Some Israelites accused the Gibson movie of antisemitism. Some Russians promised them real antisemitism, so they went silent. Then Obama called upon Russia to respect ‘gay’ rights (as if there were such a thing). Putin refused. So he started to become obnoxious to Uncle Sam. I don’t know where exactly the breaking point was. It could’ve been Putin’s refusal of the sodomite agenda. Or it could’ve been his support of the Syrian Assad regime against Uncle Sam. (Remember, before that Uncle Sam’s hegemony was undisputed.) He conformed to the new world order until Uncle stepped on his toe. Before this breaking point, Putin was Uncle Sam’s friend. Now he became his foe. He stood up to Uncle Sam. So Uncle had to punish this greatest ‘sin’.

Hence he had to orchestrate this war. First, the democratically elected president had to give place to Uncle Sam’s implant. So he staged a coup d’état. The Nuland woman was already bragging about their interference in 2013. (The fact that we don’t believe in democracy is immaterial. We believe in self determination. Democratically electing a president is still self-determination. Uncle Sam’s interference isn’t.) He needed a president who does his bidding. Their choice was the Khazar Zelensky. (His citizenship is Ukrainian, but his nationality is Khazar, an important distinction. He is not of Ukrainian nationality.) Zelensky has loaded his government with other Khazars. He then broke the Minsk treaty about the Russians living in Ukraine. (Not that Ukraine has ever respected other minorities living within its borders. See, for example, the Polish, Romanian, and Hungarian minorities. It even has some Slovaks. Some Ukrainians had to take refuge in Poland, Romania, and Hungary, and some to Slovakia. So God has a sense of humor. But I bet they didn’t learn their lesson. So not all Ukrainians are innocent little lambs, although we resent racism and blanket condemnations. Again, shifting the borders would not solve a thing, as the new generation is not guilty of the sins of the past. I refuse to get into some territorial disputes because this blog is about apologetics and nothing else.) Besides breaking the Minsk treaty, Zelensky wanted to accept Uncle Sam’s invitation to NATO. It was too much for Russia. An enemy on the front porch?! So Putin reacted, and rightly so.

Some say that today’s Russia equals the Soviet Union. That’s not true, since many formerly Soviet republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Lituania) are no longer part of the scheme. And the system is somewhat different. They say Putin didn’t really convert from communism. I respond that if he’s really that spineless as some think, as a politician must recognize the fact that being a commie is no longer convenient. Spineless people in general have no convictions so there’s no reason to think that he’s still a commie. If he’s really that spineless, otherwise he would be virtuous so he can mend his ways. Others say that he is still part of the scheme. I’d say he isn’t since Uncle Sam has betrayed him. If there’s one thing interest based people can understand, is when someone crosses their plans. The new world order has betrayed him, so obviously he is no longer part of it.

We can’t fully endorse any leader who is not a Sedevacantist Traditional Catholic, unrealistic as this is. (If one isn’t a Catholic, he has no state of grace, therefore no true charity, no true wisdom, etc.). Russia is a pro-abort system. Can we endorse that? Of course not! But it’s a fact that the most decent (or at least the closest to that) leader is not a too strong opponent of abortion. He seems to be the most decent because he at least doesn’t condone sodomy, set the Muslim and Jewish minorities straight, gave a lesson to femi-nazis, resisted Obama to his face, etc. While I lived in that region, I dreamt about going to America. (That dream became a reality since, or rather a nightmare.) I used to dream about America saving us, but now the world expects the post-soviet Russia led by a pro-abort ex-KGB agent to save us from the Socialist Republic of America. OOPS! How did we get here?

But back to the war. It’s enough to see on which side is Uncle Sam on, and take the opposite side. In this case is even easier, given that he is the one that instigated it. If someone still doesn’t realize that the world is brainwashed, let him consider the fact that there was no such a popular revolt when the US invaded Iraq. In the mainstream media, it is Uncle Sam who does the talking. So start thinking, people! It makes the government nervous!

A Incrível Graça do Inferno

Estou a copiar este título de Solange Hertz. Referiu-se aos meios de comunicação electrónicos, incluindo a televisão e a Internet. Ela descreveu quanta poluição moral eles causam. Ela escreveu isso no final dos anos noventa. Desde então, cookies e dispositivos de rastreamento apareceram para armazenar nossas informações, o que permite que qualquer observador estude nossos hábitos e padrões de comportamento. O Google e seus parceiros, por exemplo, podem elaborar nosso perfil. Conhecem os nossos vícios, as nossas fraquezas, os nossos hobbies. Eles podem dizer se frequentamos um ginásio ou vamos à igreja, se bebemos ou gostamos de comer fora ou não, enfim, tudo. A partir disso, eles sabem nosso género, idade, raça e tudo mais. Eles podem dizer onde teremos mais probabilidade de chegar e em que momento. Eles podem prever o nosso futuro com mais precisão do que nós próprios. E afirmam em voz alta que entregarão todas essas informações às autoridades, se elas as solicitarem.

O Bispo McKenna disse em um de seus sermões que o diabo não é omnipresente como Deus. Mas ele pode estar presente em muitos lugares e estar moralmente presente através de seus símbolos. Mas isso foi antes da aparência dos cookies. Desde então, não só o diabo, mas até mesmo o Tio Sam pode monitorar cada um de nós, mesmo fora de suas fronteiras e jurisdição. E dezenas de empresas podem saber tudo sobre nós. Não que o diabo precise de tecnologia para nos espionar, mas nem sempre consegue se comunicar directamente com seus asseclas.

A sua justificação é que estão apenas a tentar servir-nos melhor. Lembrar nossas preferências é vital para isso, dizem. Mas os intrusos sempre alegaram isso. Eles estavam apenas tentar a ajudar! E desde que o estado babá se tornou parte de nossas vidas, as pessoas estão acostumadas com isso. Se protestamos, respondem que, se não temos nada a esconder, não temos nada a temer. Mesmo que isso fosse verdade, quem entre vocês, caros leitores, gosta de viver numa casa de vidro?

Porque os observadores externos podem ver todos os seus movimentos, execração, acto sexual, masturbação, oração, etc. Eles podem espreitar na sua conta bancária se estiver a fazer operações bancárias on-line. Eles vêem suas transacções electrónicas, se houver. Eles conhecem o seu saldo com mais precisão do que você. Alguns contam quantas vezes você pega seu nariz quando acha que ninguém o vê. E você não pode vê-los. Assim, sua casa é mais como uma gaiola semitransparente, onde as pessoas de fora podem ver, mas você não pode ver para fora. Aposto que eles sabem com mais precisão quantos católicos tradicionais e sedevacantistas existem do que nós. Além disso, os observadores estão a fazer-nos um favor, ainda que sem querer e com desgosto. Contribuem para a nossa visibilidade. Aposto que eles odiariam ouvir isso! E você pode se proteger parcialmente, como descreverei brevemente. Portanto, nem tudo é tão sombrio quanto parece. Por que você gostaria de se proteger? Porque o mainstream não enfrenta esse monstro, e se você fizer isso, você não fará parte da grande multidão. Resistir à fraqueza do mainstream e nadar contra o fluxo pode ser um sinal de que você é um dos eleitos. Reflicta sobre isso! É tudo o que importa. Então cuspe na cara desse monstro! Faça a sua pesquisa para descobrir como. Estas ligações são um bom começo.

Eles alegam que nossos perfis não são acessíveis a ninguém, a menos que cometemos um acto ilegal ou precisemos de ajuda profissional. O sistema operacional pode falhar, e eles prometem ajudar. Mas mesmo que isso fosse verdade, eu ainda não ficaria confortável com o Tio Sam respirando pelo meu pescoço. E tudo o que é legal hoje torna-se ilegal amanhã e vice-versa, por isso a minha é uma preocupação válida. O politicamente correcto de hoje pode mudar a qualquer momento, e eles podem desenterrar qualquer coisa que tenha dito hoje algumas décadas mais tarde. Se você está vivo naquele momento, imagine as consequências. Faz um inimigo e recebe uma audição fiscal, por exemplo.

Se o Tio Sam tivesse caído, algum outro superpoder teria surgido. Os candidatos mais prováveis são a Rússia e a China, mas não são melhores. A Rússia começaria com uma abordagem mais prática, já que ela não é tão controladora quanto o Tio Sam. A China seria um desastre desde o início. Esses caras só entendem força bruta e violência bruta, o que é compreensível. Se você não reconhece nenhum Deus acima de você, tudo vale. A lei do mais forte irá aplicar. Fizemos isso em nós mesmos com pluralismo religioso e tolerância. Deus nos deu o mundo sem Deus que desejávamos. Por isso, o merecemos. Mas com a morte do Tio Sam, teríamos uma paz temporária.

Novus Ordo Watch

Sedevacantismo Portugal.