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Daily Archives: Julho 16, 2023

Devotions to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Besides the Brown Scapular (the Rosary and Scapular are inseparable) , there are other devotions to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. One can say a novena or the litany of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. These can be said at any time of the year.

FLOS Carmeli, vitis florigera, splendor caeli, virgo puerpera singularis.

Mater mitis sed viri nescia Carmelitis esto propitia stella maris.

Radix Iesse germinans flosculum nos ad esse tecum in saeculum patiaris.

Inter spinasquae crescis lilium serva puras mentes fragilium tutelaris.

Armatura fortis pugnantium furunt bella tende praesidium scapularis.

Per incerta prudens consilium per adversa iuge solatium largiaris.

Mater dulcis Carmeli domina, plebem tuam reple laetitia qua bearis.

Paradisi clavis et ianua, fac nos duci quo, Mater, gloria coronaris. Amen.

Flower of Carmel, flourishing vine, slendor of Heaven, singular virgin princess.

Meek Mother, but one who knows no man, be the protitiate Star of Sea.

Root of Jesse, bringing forth a flower, please suffer us to be with Thee for ever.

Lilly among thorns, keep (or guard) pure the souls of Thy week protegees.

Weaponry of valiant (courageous) fighters, we are at war, come to defend the (wearers of) the Scapular.

Prudent counsel in uncertainity, console (us) in adversity.

Mother, Sweat Lady of Carmel, fill Thy people with the happiness Thou bearest.

Key and Gate of Paradise, Mother, please lead us where Thou art crowned with glory. Amen.

Free translation by yours truly
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Sedevacantismo Portugal.