Pro Roma Mariana

Sedevacantismo Portugal.

Daily Archives: Fevereiro 24, 2023

How Religious Freedom and Ecumenism are Killing Any Concept of Truth

Religious freedom in the external forum means equal rights to choose and practice any religion or none at all. It’s wrong because a sin for one is not necessarily a sin for others. Hence switching religions too freely can and does help to evade commandments and alter morality.

Moreover, it destroys any concept of authority. In an egalitarian system, no one can tell apart right or wrong. Opinions change, and the majority is unstable. Public opinion changes with the wind. Therefore democracy is a failure. So without God, there is no objective morality or authority, only chaos. In an emancipated society, morals might linger for a while, but not too long.

In an authoritarian system, such as a monarchy or dictatorship, unlike in a democracy, there is some concept of authority. But these systems might go rogue without a religion. (Might becomes right.) If religious and secular authorities coincide or authorities are free from religion, the leader’s personality dictates everything. If he loses his mind or contact with reality, everything goes wrong. That’s why monarchies after the Protestant revolt turned into absolutism and became rogue. Hence religious freedom caused the demise of monarchies and dictatorships.

The only solution is to have a spiritual authority distinct from the civilian one. I don’t mean Church and state separation, but collaboration. If secular authorities overstep their limits through bad legislation or other abuse of power, the Church should intervene. Or if Church authorities engage in awkward activities, such as sodomy or child molestation, the state should punish them accordingly. I’m advocating also the principle of subsidiarity rather than totalitarianism (unlike the most inglorious socialist republic of our times). Ditching religious freedom would mean the institution of a Church Police, a.k.a Holy Inquisition.

Ironically Church and state separation doesn’t mean what one naively thinks, namely that they are independent. It means that all religious activities are controlled and regulated by the state. It leads to the “might is right” principle since the secular authority submits to no one.

Ecumenism means agreeing on the lowest common denominator. If a new religion arises, the lowest common denominator ‘decreases’ and eventually vanishes. So ecumenism leads to nihilism. Other churches did not always reciprocate the ecumenical gestures of Catholics. Instead of earning respect for the Church, ecumenism accomplished the contrary. Now every minor sect can say that now even Catholics agree with them. But since they held their view from their inception and Catholics altered them, they can claim to be right from the beginning. They can claim to be more reliable since their tenets have not changed. So let’s ditch ecumenism.

Novus Ordo Watch

Sedevacantismo Portugal.