Pro Roma Mariana

Sedevacantismo Portugal.

Lose That Attitude, Sedevacantists!

There are people in our ranks who take salvation for granted. We are supposedly the elect of the elect. Therefore holding our position, avoiding all major sins, and going to Mass every once in a while gets us saved. We can despise others and not be concerned with their salvation while taking ours for granted. After all, we are the only ones who qualify, right?

As I discussed formerly, this type of attitude has earned us Vatican two. People before that have grown complacent, taking things for granted, not appreciating the graces, and being ungrateful. We still suffer the calamity this has caused, but do we ever learn?

We forget that we didn’t earn our place in the Church but are here by grace. There are people out there with more natural virtue who, as of yet, are not one of us. We know that only infused virtues save, but as St. Thomas Aquinas says, grace builds on nature, so by human calculation, many conciliars are more deserving of our place than we are. See, for example, those who go from Lisbon to Fatima on foot. In the end, they remove their shoes, and their feet bleed. How many of us complacent sedes do that? Albeit this is unnecessary, we can make relevant sacrifices, but most of us don’t.

We forget that none of us is irreplaceable. We are here because better people have fallen away. Think of cradle Catholics, like Madonna, for example. Don’t forget that better people are waiting in line if we provoke God to substitute us. The right attitude is not to waste our position while praying for their conversion. Our first responsibility is our salvation, and then the others. And lose that attitude! Don’t be foolish!

3 responses to “Lose That Attitude, Sedevacantists!

  1. Pingback: Sedevacantist Ladies, Attention! The World and Fashions Are NOT for You | Pro Roma Mariana

  2. Pingback: Multi vocati pauci electi | Pro Roma Mariana

  3. Pingback: Sedevacantists Are Being Pickier Than Necessary | Pro Roma Mariana

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