Pro Roma Mariana

Sedevacantismo Portugal.

Sedevacantist Ladies, Attention! The World and Fashions Are NOT for You

In the last two years, it has been increasingly evident that Bergoglio is not the pope. So the number of sedevacantists in Portugal has tripled, adding more members of the feminine sex too. Unfortunately, increased quantity does not necessarily mean an increase in quality, as it happens to be the case. Most ladies that recently started frequenting our Masses still have the worldly mentality, as one can immediately see this by what they wear to Mass. One can conclude that their mentality hasn’t changed all that much. Am I too harsh on them? Perhaps, but it doesn’t matter.

Whence the need to discuss this? I’m warning sedevacantist ladies who don’t know that in today’s moral crisis, Satan is especially after the feminine sex. Why? Because facts are facts, and against facts, there are no arguments, and one of the strongest yet most ignored facts is that contemporary men are weak, so they follow and even obey women. Satan is killing two birds with a stone. (This is why abolishing priestly celibacy would be most unwise.) I’m merely trying to do you a favor. The opinion of St. Alphonsus Ligouri is that the feminine sex is more devout, hence more likely to be saved. It might have been realistic in his time, but not any longer since most of today’s devotions are dangerous. In fact, due to the satanic attacks on ladies, the opposite is more likely. So please forgive me if you find me harsh.

First of all, let me state that I’m not Bp. Williamson and do not share his opinions on feminine dressing. I’m not that judgemental about slacks. (The word ‘slack’ means trousers in British English and pants in American English. In Great Britain, pants mean what Americans call underpants. I choose to stick with American usage as I studied for seven years in that inglorious socialist republic.) So, I’m not against pants. I consider them very practical in some aspects, but they are inappropriate for some occasions. I didn’t say that ladies can never come to Mass wearing them, there are some occasions when they should be allowed, but lately, they have become the norm rather than the exception. What I find the most irritating is that those pants follow the latest trends: cut jeans, revealing the socks or lack thereof. The shirt sometimes doesn’t hide the bras properly. My philosophy here is that we men shouldn’t be able to determine what they have under the shirt because this is immodest and distracting during Mass. Sneakers are increasingly becoming more common for ladies at Mass. The young women dressed this way look no different than any female on the street. Aren’t we supposed to be the salt of the earth, the elect of the elect? Yet we do not act that way.

Let me digress here and comment on the immodest dressing. As our beloved clergy has discussed this in length, I merely supply some aspects they missed. (And yes, even our highly esteemed priests can overlook some issues sometimes.) Some revealing clothing stirs desires the woman in question never intends to satisfy. I find this cruelty. And why advertise herself when she is not on the market? Why look sexy in public, in front of everyone? They are signaling this: look what I have, but I’m not giving it to you. It is sheer cruelty, but it still doesn’t justify the reactions of some men, although they have a point. To the credit of our immodestly dressed sedevacantist ladies, I must say that they do not come dressed like this to Mass. At least pants are not shorts or miniskirts. They deserve at least that much credit. Please allow me to ignore some sordid and filthy features of today’s feminine fashion. Some of our clergy have already discussed that. Some aspects are too disgusting, yet some women think them sensual. They are quite a turnoff. To spit or not to spit, that’s the question, to paraphrase Shakespeare. Yet weak men tolerate everything to have sex, even mistreatment.

I resent it when some state that the feminine IQ is lower than the masculine. I say this after more than two decades of experience in teaching mathematics, physics, chemistry, programming, and English. In most cases, female students perform poorly by their own choice. Ther can be some culpable ignorance, but that’s another matter.

Fashion is merely one symptom of mentality. Today’s mentality rejects traditional feminine values. Work ethics have changed. Women are unjustly getting disproportionately more rights and opportunities than men. Unfortunately, very few realize that claiming some rights is unfair to men, and most of the choices they get are not worth taking. Yes, it doesn’t matter how many chances you get, but how many of them are worth taking. So today’s world appears very enticing to women, but appearances lie. An informed sedevacantist lady should see that it’s all a ruse.

So sedevacantist ladies, please wise up. Think for yourselves. Every particular case is different. Today almost everybody wants to go to college, but is it right for you? You decide. The answer can be positive or negative, but don’t do something just because everybody is doing it. Everyone wants to have and drive a car, likes the beach, travel, etc. Do you have a religious vocation, or is marriage the right choice for you? Are you even fit to live with someone? If you opt for a career, choose a profession that helps you save your soul, depending on your abilities, possibilities, and aspirations. Don’t choose your specialty just because it’s fashionable and everybody prefers it. If you are sure you have a vocation for the married state, choose your spouse wisely, and please don’t break his heart. Don’t be hysterical or a hairsplitter. Please don’t scream or yell when you have something to say, especially not to your husband, as it is sadly both frequent and accepted today. Most wives in any conflict automatically and without consideration take the side of the husband’s adversary. So if you choose marriage, please inform yourself what it is. You are not the only one who can have expectations, you know. Don’t act as if you were to only party in a marriage. Don’t act as if all decisions belonged to you and all duties to your husband. And don’t just have sex just because everybody is doing it. Don’t wear those stupid clothes that make you look like a broom or a turkey. And don’t advertise yourself if you are not available. Just use your brain.

3 responses to “Sedevacantist Ladies, Attention! The World and Fashions Are NOT for You

  1. Miguel Nazareth Fevereiro 7, 2023 às 8:30 pm

    Boa noite 🙂
    Por favor como posso obter mais informações ou falar com aluém para saber onde posso atender uma missa ou confessar com sacerdote validamente ordenado aqui em Portugal?
    Não conhecia, sigo o Frei Tiago a tempo e nunca soube que veio aqui a Fátima a tão pouco tempo, perdi uma excelente oportunidade de atender a uima missa e agradecer em pessoa o que tenho aprendido, quem sabe uma próxima?
    Adorei o site e a posição também, continuem com o ótimo trabalho e que Deus abençoe!

  2. Pingback: Multi vocati pauci electi | Pro Roma Mariana

  3. Pingback: Sedevacantists Are Being Pickier Than Necessary | Pro Roma Mariana

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